What we've been doing...
Although there is no instances of the coronavirus in our studio and that the FHI is advising to conduct business as usual, we have been taking proactive steps to help keep our space clear of the virus and to help our students and staff feel psychologically safe.
As guided by the WHO and the FHI, hygiene is the key to keeping the vulnerable safe from this new coronavirus.
BYO has had a medical HEPA filter which will run inside the room during class.
This particular filter, filters over 99% of particles down to 0.1 microns like pollen, dust mites, mold, pet dander, bacteria and viruses, and is designed to purify a space of 1000m2 (our studio is 575m2)
The air in the room is exchanged with fresh heated air constantly making our air clean, filtered but warm.
Our floors are made from an antibacterial antimicrobal substance called Flotex Flocked Flooring.
All students who sweat out of their mats now use extra towels under their mat during class and immediately after practicing and place the said towels directly in the washing machine.
Certain classes on our schedule have been delayed by 15minutes to give us time to keep the floors clean.
The Flotex flocked floor is steam cleaned after every shift.
The floors external to the yoga room are cleaned approximately every 60min with bleach.
Antibacterial solution will be made available around the studio.
Hand Towels in the bathrooms have also all been removed and replaced with paper towels.
All high contact areas are disinfected approximately every 60 minutes.
All teachers are also requested to no longer give hands on adjustments.
Yoga Blocks and straps to be sprayed daily with antibacterial surface spray after every single class in which it is used.
Classes will be operating at reduced capacity to afford adequate space between students.