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Emily Hoballah

Bikram Yoga Teacher, Hot Vinyasa Teacher, Yin Yoga Teacher & Yoga Nidra Teacher

Emily began practicing Bikram in 2010 while living in the US and has enjoyed practicing in studios across North America and Europe. She became a Certified Yoga Teacher in France in 2020, and began teaching Bikram after completing her certification in Barcelona in 2021. A believer in balance in all things, she is also certified in Mindful Yoga and Yoga Nidra: “It’s amazing how Mindful awareness can transform a Bikram practice into something even deeper and more holistic, and for me, the yin aspect of Yoga Nidra keeps my Bikram yang in balance!”


"When the 'I' is replaced by ‘we,’ even illness becomes wellness." - Anonymous


Emily first discovered yoga at the age of 24 when she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that turned her life upside down. “I couldn’t access the medications I needed to treat the illness, so I began searching for natural treatments and stress management techniques to calm the symptoms… which landed me in a Bikram studio! This was my very first encounter with yoga.


In my first class, I remember feeling an unexpected relief from the pain that had plagued my life, and I suddenly felt my stress and worry replaced with a gentle sense of calm. From that first class, I was convinced that yoga would be the key to healing for me.


As I continued to expand my yoga practice into the other types of yoga and meditation, I became eager for more knowledge. I wanted to know what made these postures and breathing exercises so healing, and I wanted to know how to perform them properly so that I could get the maximum benefits from my practice in the safest way possible. Excited to take a more hands-on role in my health and wellbeing, I enrolled in a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training programme. 


I am convinced that yoga can be the key to health and healing for so

many others out there who are also struggling with illness, stress, and pain,

be it physical, mental or emotional.


As a yoga teacher, I aim to lead others from a place of love and

compassion. With each individual I help heal, I’m helping to heal the

world and make it a better home to us all.


That’s my mission statement.

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