As indicated by the Ministry of Health today 06.11.20 at 13:00, fitness centres which include Bikram Yoga Oslo are to be closed.
Our studio has had zero cases of COVID19 since re-opening and this is a testament to each and every member of our community and we thank you for taking care of each other.
We will be freezing all active memberships and thank you all for your support during this time.
Students with autopay contracts will again have the option to support our studio and allow contracted payments to run and have the months added back at the end of the contract or suspend their contracts until re-opening. We ask please that you take contact to notify us of this by 30.11.20.
We will begin offering a free online training option via zoom and you will be able to see these classes and book into these classes for free during our closure with a choice for you to donate to the teacher directly via VIPPS so that you can remain connected to your self care and practice while we navigate through this situation together.
This too shall pass.
And we look forward to welcoming you back when we receive notice that we can reopen.
With much love and appreciation,
Resh & the entire team- Bikram Yoga Oslo
The measures have been detailed to take place from Monday 09.11.20 however we believe that the socially responsible response is to close our business immediately until the current proposed end date of 30.11.20